Demystify the five figure launch and the eight common mistakes you are making (to increase sales)

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Bonus: get my FREE 6 Figure Spiritual Strategies + Clearings that allows me to bring in 5 figures + every single month

Why you need this training...

I see so many entrepreneurs putting their EVERYTHING into their launches, yet not getting the results they were hoping for.

So much can hold you back from hitting five figure launches… But launching doesn’t need to be difficult.

When you have the right strategies in place and you’re vibrating at the right frequency, launching gets to feel effortless and fun.

I’m here to combine the business and energetics to give you all the ingredients you need to attract and convert your soul-aligned clients with ease, and create consistent five figure launches without forcing or chasing for the sale.

I’ll be sharing with you the exact strategies and launch energies that allow me to hit consistent five figure months, $60k+ sales months and 10k cash in just 3 days.

Countless Female Spiritual Entrepreneurs Around The World Have Been Changed Forever By This Launch Method Proven To Increase Sales

(Without fake, sleazy marketing or feeling like you're selling your soul)

This is for you if...

You’re a spiritual entrepreneur ready for five figure months to be your new normal, but launching your offerings feels stressful, overwhelming and difficult.

Despite how much time, effort and energy goes into creating your offers and your content, you always seem to end up disappointed after not converting as many clients as you’d hoped.

You’re an introvert so every time you launch, your fear of failure or fear of showing up gets in the way of you stepping into your true power.

You know what you are currently doing isn’t working, you can feel yourself self-sabotaging your success, and you’re ready for launching to feel FUN.

You will learn...

DAY 1: What a five figure launch cycle looks like

To kick off the workshop, you’ll see the behind the scenes of a five figure launch and learn the critical foundations you need in place to hit these numbers consistently. This includes both the business aspect as well as the importance of shifting out of fear and into the energy of receiving.

DAY 2: The biggest mistakes you're making that are costing you $$$

On day two, I’ll share the biggest mistakes I see people making during the launch process that prevent them from creating the impact and income they desire. These mistakes could be resulting in you leaving so much money on the table!

DAY 3: Save time & money with a profitable niche

We’ll then dive deep into how to create a profitable niche so you can gain more credibility in your field, stand out from the competition and increase your profits as a result.

DAY 4: How to get more signups to your free event & make bank

By the end of day four, you’ll know the exact steps you need to take to get more people to sign up for your freebie. This way, you’ll have more leads to nurture and sell into your paid offer, meaning you can maximize your revenue with more ease!

DAY 5: How to sell during your launch so it doesn’t feel icky or overwhelming

To close the five day workshop, I’ll teach you how to sell with ease and grace, instead of force and chase. Not only will you learn the practical steps, you’ll also learn how to get into the energy of receiving. Take this into your next launch and you will have nothing stopping you from hitting those five figures!

Meet sarah

Sarah Lines, founder of the globally recognised New Earth School, has built a soulful 6 Figure business & co-created 5 best selling books around spirituality & entrepreneurship. With lifetimes of experience, she has mentored 100's of heart-centred entrepreneurs to ascend spiritually & enjoy their first 5 figure months in support of expanding their soul mission. When she is not running her company, you can find her reading, researching all things mystical, or cuddling up to her cats.

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